Rik's Ramblings

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Palm TX Internet Photo Frame ...

Now with Flickr support!

I can now let you download and view your Flickr photostream using a Palm TX (or is it Palm T|X) or Palm Lifedrive.

As you know from the earlier page my photoframe application downloads images from your website overnight, then displays them during the day.

Well now I've added a little adaptor to allow you to get the pictures straight from your Flikr account. Apparently Flickr is a bit popular ... never use it myself, I have my own Slideshow section here at http://sagar.org/

Download the Palm Photoframe application from Rik's Workbench. Then for the part about providing a URL to your Picture list URL us a URL like this;


Except when you do it, replace ukdiveboy with your own Flickr ID.

If you're having trouble working it out e-mail me and I'll walk you through it ... again!

I didn't do much. All the credit must be taken by the wonderful people who wrote phpFlickr. I'll publish my 5 line script soon over on the Workbench page.

  1. I have not done extensive testing
  2. The download can be slow if you have lots of pictures in your flickr stream, as it downloads the 36 most recent images


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