Rik's Ramblings

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Life with Windows Mobile Day 1

Well, I did something I thought I never would: I switched from Palm OS to Windows Mobile. I traded my Treo 680 for a Treo 800W.

First couple of days have gone _fairly_ well so far.

At the moment I'm enjoying the improved support of media - I've been streaming from BBC to watch Look North in Windows Media format.

I've also been enjoying streaming stereo over bluetooth to my Sony CMX-HX7BT music system in the family room.

So far I've only played with the GPS, but the integration with Google Maps is great. That would have been a mighty useful feature to have when we were lost on the way to Yosemite.

No really used the WiFi yet as the data service from Sprint seems fast enough, but the phone had no trouble connecting to my network at home and automagically knew which flavor of WPA to select.



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