Rik's Ramblings

Monday, October 29, 2007

Live 105 According to Pandora

I dropped half a dozen of the artists from Live 105's playlist for the week into Pandora (http://www.live105.com/pages/74883.php => http://www.pandora.com/).

Then a made a "QuickMix" with all those artists. In theory I should be making myself a potable version of "Live 105" ... right?

Sounding OK so far. My only criticism is maybe it needs a little more COW BELL.




  • Grrr, the link to the 'QuickMix' isn't as smart as I'd like it to be. The link above always takes you to my current QuickMix, not the one I had at the time of creating the link.

    Please be a little smarter you peeps at Pandora

    By Blogger UK Dive Boy, at 10/29/07, 11:33 PM  

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