Rik's Ramblings

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

I see you're using Google Desktop !!

Hi there verizon.net user at IP address

I see you're using Google Desktop to scan my atom.xml file every 5 minutes. Well please stop it! I only update the damn site once every blue moon, so once a day is more than enough.

579 times you downloaded my atom.xml file yesterday. And it didn't change once! Please learn how to use the settings to reduce the frequency of your poll.


And you fuckers at google! I thought you were supposed to be smart! Can't you use a default of 1 refresh/day?

Dell bundles Firefox with new systems - vnunet.com


Dell bundles Firefox with new systems - vnunet.com: "Dell UK has started bundling the open source Firefox browser with its desktop PC systems, a sales rep for the computer maker confirmed to vnunet.com."

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Rik's Reads - Grapes of Wrath

I is reading this book ...

   Rik's Reads - Grapes of Wrath

... for nearly two years now!

Ben - Guitar Legend

T52005122700085803.jpg (JPEG Image, 360x480 pixels)

Guitar Hero Ben

Monday, December 26, 2005



Need an antenna so I can pick-up some HiDef content for the Aquos.

This site lets you type in a zip code and see how big an antenna you need to pick-up different stations.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Episode 3 - The Wrath of the Barista

I was trawling my access_log today (I know, I'm a sad mother) and I noticed, on a couple of occasions, my caffine rant was referenced from the site BaristaGuildOfAmerica dot org.

Naturally, I was curious to see what the barista community had to say about my love of cold espresso, so I signed-up for an ID on the forum ...

5 hours later I got my password, but I found I was unable to read the damn page (http://www.baristaguildofamerica.org/viewtopic.php?t=321) - insufficient access rights or something ... maybe I need more piercings ... who knows.

Anyway, if anyone in The Guild could share the article with me, I'd really appreciate it :-)