Philips Digital Key Chain Camera
Picture of your intrepid adventurer Rik Sagar

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See Toys For the Boys
HOUSTON (Reuters) - Camouflage was in and cross-dressing was out at a rural East Texas school district on Wednesday after a Christian legal group complained a long-standing school tradition of reversing social roles for a day would promote homosexuality.
HOUSTON (Reuters) - Hunters soon may be able to sit at their computers and blast away at animals on a Texas ranch via the Internet, a prospect that has state wildlife officials up in arms.
In April 2004, when a virulent, inoperable new brain tumor was discovered, JW decided to focus on how he might help others with medical struggles of their own. He decided to build a house near Kaiser Hospital, in Santa Clara, California where families can stay with their loved ones during long hospitalizations. He wants this house to be a place for brothers and sisters to talk quietly; a place for moms and dads and grandparents to be able to eat together; a place to talk with other families that are facing similar challenges — a place that feels like a “home away from home”. With the help of his oncologist and friend, Dr. Alan Wong, JW’s dream is becoming a reality. JW’s generous spirit and determination to make a better future for other families touched by illness is inspirational and humbling. We would like to invite you to join in building the JW House. Please consider making a donation to the JW House today. Together we can make JW's dream come true. |
Disclaimer: I am in no way linked with JustGive or JW House Fund. JW is the son of a coworker.
The Observer | Cash | Is this how tomorrow's homes will be made?: "Building homes on-site will largely cease. Instead factories here and in China will churn out 280,000 units a year for the British market, mostly in pleasant, curvy, shapes made possible by advanced materials and computer-aided design."
'... manufactured houses would have high R&D budgets, so their designs would be better.'